Social Skills

The primary focus of our social skills building workshops is to help teens develop confidence in social situations by providing a structured and supportive environment in which to explore and learn. Afternoon sessions are dedicated to helping them manage their own behavior and successfully interact with others.

  • Teamwork and friendship building
  • Self-love and confidence
  • Healthy relationships with friends, family and authority figures
  • Being assertive
  • Setting standards and expectations
  • Conflict resolution
  • Body image

  • Improve their attitude and behavior
  • Significantly improve communication with their parents.
  • Explore who they are and set the values they want to have
  • Improve confidence and positive identity development
  • Improve relationships with family and peers
  • Learn how to express themselves verbally, emotionally and physically
  • Understand how to use self-control when angry, scared or upset
  • Learn how to handle being teased or bullied and feelings of shame or embarrassment

Through workshops, open forums, projects and community service activities, we aim to empower teenage girls to build self-esteem, develop their strengths and leadership abilities, live up to their highest potential and motivate each other to become more influential voices in their community.