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Good conversation, fun times, and helpful guidance =
the perfect Girlfriend;

Hey Girlfriends! Thanks for taking the time to visit our house of fabulousness! I founded My Girlfriend’s House in 2010 as a way for women to connect with one another and celebrate their professional accomplishments, enjoy life outside of work, and build strong relationships. This group of mothers, sisters, business women, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and role models come together to build strong, uplifting relationships with one another, while helping a new generation of girls through our charity work.

I know some of you are thinking, “I don’t have the time with my busy schedule.” Well trust me, I know the feeling. How many of you can relate to this scenario—a long day at work, baby won’t stop crying, husband won’t turn off the game to help around the house, dinner needs to be made, dishes piling up, bills seem to multiply by the month, presentation for work needs to be completed, can’t find the right friend when you need them, all while making sure your fresh manicure doesn’t chip. You’re in your very own triathlon and the finish line seems to get further and further away. And then someone asks you to take time out for yourself and to volunteer? Yeah right! Well that’s the same thing I thought. There’s no way I could juggle everything going on in my life AND take a mental break for myself AND help someone else along the way. But why not? I had to remember that I could not allow myself to get lost in the hustle and bustle of my life. I needed to take time to pamper myself, physically and mentally. And with all my success and previous goals achieved, it was now my turn to help young ladies that need guidance and prepare them for a successful future.

My Girlfriend's House gives you the escape you need for the sake of your own peace of mind. All the worries and stresses of the day can fade away as you join some of your best girlfriends for food, fun, drinks, and SANITY!

Through My Girlfriend's House, members have a place to talk, laugh, vent, and learn more while lending their guidance to at-risk teens in need of a positive female role model.

We all believe that no matter how successful you become, it means nothing if you are not using your resources to help those in need.

Our Maryland non profit offers a mentorship program which is a continued effort to help guide young ladies to become mature, successful women. Our scholarship, fundraiser drives, and Purse Strings effort are our committed initiatives of giving back to at-risk teenage ladies around the city. Our goal is to reach as many females as possible and we are determined to succeed. Besides, they will be the ones to take over soon so we have to get them ready.

As we continue to grow and learn, My Girlfriend's House constantly enforces the idea of women remaining strong and successful, without losing your sense of charity and a good time. We instill this in our members as well as the young ladies we hope to touch through our charity efforts.

My Girlfriend's House is an emerging nonprofit centered on fun, giving back, and positive progression! If you’re ready to join this glamorous gang of go-getters then sign up today and become one of the girls!

Become a Girlfriend today!