How can I become a part of a design team?

To become a part of a design team during our next Shelter Room Makeover Party, please join our event page on Facebook. Facebook is our primary source of communicating to all design teams leading up to the renovations.

What is involved in the renovation process?

Members of the community are responsible for the renovation process. Volunteers sign up to join a design team and together the they create the theme, collect the materials and solicit funds to bring their vision to life.

What are the responsibilities of a team captain?

Each room is assigned a captain to oversee project management. Captain’s are responsible for leading the design process, ensuring the necessary materials and supplies are on hand and within budget and coordinating their volunteers for a fun, safe and successful renovation day work experience.

How long do teams have to renovate?

Teams have 2 months to plan for the renovations. On the day of the Shelter Room Makeover Party, volunteers will have 5 hours to execute their design.

Who is eligible for the Shelter Room Makeover’s services?

My Girlfriend’s House selects two shelters to renovate each year: one housing women and their children and one that houses women only. Shelters are selected based on the size and number of residents. Our goal is to identify facilities with a large number of occupants to ensure we are making the greatest impact.

Who pays for the shelter renovations?

Volunteers are responsible for soliciting the furniture, home decor, paint and money needed to execute their room’s design. This is often done by reaching out to businesses, family members and potential sponsors.

I am a troop leader and would like to sign my girls up to become a part of a design room. Is that possible?

No. All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Groups of children are not allowed to be in their own design teams.

Are men allowed to participate in a renovation?

Yes. Men are welcomed to join us to help with the major lifting, construction and trash removal. However, men will not be assigned to a design room.

How extensive are the renovations and how many shelters are done?

Our renovations are complete overhauls. They include new paint jobs, furniture and minor building repairs. We select two shelters to renovate each year: one housing women and their children and one that houses women only.

Who sponsors the Shelter Room Makeover Party?

Our sponsors are at the heart of our success. Sponsors include local businesses, social groups, government agencies and individuals who dedicate their time and resources to improve the lives of homeless women and children.