One Girl’s Story
When I first walked through the doors of My Girlfriend’s House, I was broken. It’s hard to believe that a 15 year old would describe herself in that way, but after experiencing homelessness, neglect and bullying, I think broken is the perfect way to describe where I was.
At that point in my life, my mother and I had just settled into our second shelter of the year. I admit, after months of living in her car and begging for food from strangers, it felt good to have a bed to sleep in and food every night, even if I did have to share it with 50 other people.
I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror because what looked back at me was a scrawny, insecure little girl, whose over-sized, hand-me-down clothes camouflaged the hate marks I created on my skin.
Being bullied and teased became second nature to me. I was different in every way possible and my classmates didn’t have a problem letting me know. I was the outsider with no friends to confide in and no guidance to help me through these tough times.
I never felt accepted and I never felt wanted. As much as my mother tried to make life a little easier for me, she just couldn’t. I just wanted to die and stop bothering everyone.
I walked into the Clubhouse with my guards up. I played a guessing game with myself to try to figure out how many girls would whisper about my worn shoes or laugh at my mother’s car that made a really loud sound when she drove off. But I was wrong. Instead, I was welcomed by a group of girls who had a ton of questions for me. And not questions like, “why don’t your clothes fit” or “can you sit at the other table so my friend can sit here”. These were get-to-know-you questions. At first it was weird to see so many girls together, laughing and talking…not gossiping and teasing, but actually engaging with each other.
For the first time, I felt something that I’ve never felt before….a sense of belonging. My Girlfriend’s House became like my second home. In just a matter of months, I had friends, confidence and self-love for myself.
The mentoring program helped me overcome the struggles I experienced as a homeless teen. It taught me that regardless of my situation, I can still have all that I want if I just work hard for it. I learned how to love and respect myself. I was inspired to graduate, with honors and get involved with my community to motivate other teens to succeed. I owe this determination to My Girlfriend’s House and I’m so proud to have been a part of this program.