Volunteer With Us
We are always in need of an extra pair of hands during our events. Whether it’s setting up at our big fundraisers or joining us to help out at a local shelter, we love having additional women to assist us along the way.
Serve on our Board of Directors
Our volunteer Board of Directors is the governing body of My Girlfriend’s House. It is here that we decide on the organization’s direction, mission and goals. Do you have great leadership or professional skills that could benefit our growing organization? Are you connected to the community and have access to funding resources that could help us accomplish our goals? Then join us on the Board of Directors and become a member of the dedicated leadership team that drives our dynamic organization forward. Click here to complete a board application
Become a Group Facilitator/ Group Mentor
Are you apart of a group of 3-4 women? Can your group dedicate one Saturday per month to mentoring and empowering young girls? What better way to give back to your community than investing in our youth? Our group facilitators/mentors dedicate one Saturday each month (for 12 months) to teaching our vocational life and social skill workshops to the girls enrolled in our Girl Talk mentoring program. We prepare the curriculum and activities and you bring it to life by sharing your personal and professional insight. To apply to be a mentor, please click here.
Intern with Us
We offer unique internship opportunities for exceptional students and university graduates all year long. Through our internship program, we select enthusiastic and forward-thinking interns to receive real-world, hands-on business experience. Interns work in our office, supporting the day-to-day business needs in our marketing, human resources, administrative and graphic design departments. To join our internship program, you must commit to at least 16 hours per week, for 6 months. To apply for our internship program, please click here.
Become a Guest Facilitator
Do you have expertise on a specific topic or focus area? Whether its dance, modeling or arts & crafts, we are looking for women with specialized talents and experiences to lead a workshop for the students in our Girl Talk Mentoring program. We may call you once a year for an opportunity to lead a workshop and help build upon the skills of our students. The Guest Facilitator has overall responsibility for the assigned session, offering their professional leadership and guidance to re-enforcing the workshops they lead. To become a guest facilitator for an upcoming workshop, please click here.